About this game

In You! World Hero you can shape the day of a teenager. There are many decisions to me made, and you must not make any mistakes, because this day is different: Every one of your decisions takes effect as if every person on earth is doing the same thing simultaniously. So watch out, or else you drive the world to ecological collapse!

You! World Hero is a so called serious game, a game whose purpose is not only to be fun but also to convey some meaning. We want to depict the fact that all our daily decisions have great influence on the sustainability of our world. It was our goal to demonstrate some easy ways of minimizing our ecological impact through clever decisions. Did you notice some options which weren't depicted in the game? Then hop over to the forum and tell us!

This project was brought to you by Sense.Lab e.V., a German Non Profit. Financial support came from the subvention fund "Jugend für Europa" of the European Union.